Dog bath Apron Towel


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To make the challenges of bathing simpler, your bathroom clean, you dry and your dog clean.

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SKU: 04-1-2-1-1-1-1 Category:


To make you and your bathroom dry

Bathing a dog is usually equally stressful for both human as well as a dog who is persistently trying to escape from the bathroom. In order not to get wet while fighting with your pet, we have designed an apron/towel that protects you from splashing water. Once you are done bathing, take off the apron and use it as a towel to wipe the dog. The terry towel is soft to the touch and has a high absorption power and dries quickly.

ručnik pregača za pse

Handmade EU product

ručnik pregača za pse

Good luck and arm yourself with patience!

We’ve added two spacious pockets on the inside so you can easily hold a smaller dog in your arms and give it a good rub down. For larger dogs that don’t fit in your lap, simply throw it over your dog’s back. The laces that were used to hold the apron around your waist can now be used to secure the towel to your dog.


  • for both large and small dogs

  • super absorbent 400-gr terrycloth

  • machine washable on high temperature

Odličan i funkcionalan ručnik

Naš ručnik je od 100% pamuka, frotir srednje debljine (400 gr/m2) koji dobro upija i brzo se suši pa ga možete brzo ponovno koristiti. Dimenzije standardnog (velikog) ručnika su 50×90 cm. Naš je 80×90 cm kako bi u potpunosti zadovoljio potrebe sušenja prosječnog dlakavca.



Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 5 × 10 × 12 cm

Dimenzije proizvoda

80 x 90 cm

Sirovinski sastav i održavanje

100% pamuk

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